Today, we feel there is a lack of real direction, experience, knowledge, and passion within our industry, and more specifically on the issue of water conservation as well as land and resource management. It is our intention and focus to improve our large outdoor spaces through a process of thoughtful and experienced design, sound construction practices, and careful land management. Our areas of concern are: to reduce (or eliminate) existing grass, replace old and declining plant material, upgrade irrigation systems, and explore new methods of capturing run-off.

What this accomplishes –
•    Significant reduction in water usage in both greenbelts and planted areas.
•    Significant reduction in water usage at the irrigation infrastructure.
•    Reduced water waste due to runoff.
•    Reduced pollution with the absence of large mowers and the heavy equipment related to their mobilization.
•    Significant reduction in water utility costs.
•    Reduced property management costs.
•    Reduced energy utility costs.
•    Increased presence of positive resource and air quality management in the community.
•    Ornamental value of property is increased.
•    Compliance with new statewide Landscape ordinances.
•    It’s the right thing to do.

Please afford us the opportunity to explore these positive changes in more detail with you.
